
De cada diez blogs que podemos ver en la red, cinco son la mitad.

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Liebe wie Wasser

Qui no ha sentit el dolor
D'un cor trencat
Qui no ha plorat
Per un altre començament

Qui no ha dit
Faré qualsevol cosa
Si us plau ... Només torna de nou a mi

El teu amor és com l'aigua
No puc viure sense ella
Moriria sense ella
Moriria sense ella


Who hasn't felt the pain
Of a broken heart
Who hasn't cried out
For another start

Who hasn't said
I'll do anything
Please... just bring it back to me

Your love to me is like water
I can't live without it
Would die without it
Would die without it

The road weary warrior climbs into her bed
Where she holds him close to her
And ease his aching head
Your journey is complete for now
Let's get something to eat, and how
Watch TV or read a book
Give it all a second look

Your love to me is like water
I can't live without it
Would die without it
Would die without it

Who hasn't felt the pain
Of a broken heart
Who hasn't cried out
For another start

Who hasn't said
I'll do anything
Please... just bring your love back to me

Your love to me is like water
Would die without it
Would die without it.

Pegi Young
(...estúpid romàntic...!)


1 comentari:

Striper ha dit...

L'amor l'aiguam, sota la pluja es mes amor.

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