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Umgehen. Get Around

Get Around from Under The Hood on Vimeo.

Gira, gira, gira,
no necessites un mapa per a viatjar.
Gira, gira, gira,
no necessites un mapa per a viajar.
Viatjar, viatjar.

Ara és l'hora de girar la cantonada,
i agafar un altre camí
Hem estat en aquesta carretera abans
Encenc la meva senyal, i veig ambdós camins
Viatjar, viatjar.

No puc recordar,
sempre veient coses així
Tots estos colors en la meva vista
Vaig encendre els llums, i vaig circular lentament pel camí
Viajar, viajar.

Gira, gira, gira,
no necessites un mapa per a viatjar.
Gira, gira, gira,
no necessites un mapa per a viajar.
Viatjar, viatjar.

I tota aquesta xarrada, al voltant d'un cotxe 
Pensaves que estava perdent el cap per tu 
Però sense tu no sóc res, carinyo 
la manera com fas les coses que fas 
Viatjar, viatjar. 

You Don't Need a Map (Get Around).

Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Get around, get around

It's time to turn the corner now,
and go another way
We've been down this road before
I turn my signal on, and look both ways
Get around, get around

I don't remember,
ever seeing things this way
All these colors in my view
I turned on my lights and slowed way down
Get around, get around

Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Get around, get around

Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Get around, get around

And all this talk, about a car
You think that I was losing track for you
But I am nothing without you babe,
the way you do the things you do
Get around, get around

Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Round round round,
you don't need a map to get around
Get around, get around

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